Let's Talk: Snuz X Dadsnet Mental Health Survey Results
In the run up to Father’s Day and Men's Health week, we recognised that there was more we could do when it came to representing dads and partners. We knew we wanted to reach out to fathers by providing support and starting conversations around the challenges of fatherhood for dads and parents-to-be, but we wanted to do it right.
Bringing a trusted figure on board to support us was essential, which is where Dadsnet came in, and the idea for Men’s Mental Health Week really took off. .

Initiating the Conversation
Working in partnership with Dadsnet, we surveyed over 1200 dads, to find out how becoming a parent has affected their mental health. 67% of dads felt that there are insufficient resources and a distinct lack of support available to them, which is especially concerning considering the high percentage feeling a strain on their mental health.
It’s pretty common knowledge that becoming a parent changes so much about a person’s life. Whilst having a baby is undoubtedly a precious thing, it does take some getting used to. Many of the pressures associated with parenting can put a strain on mental health, with the same survey also finding that over 65% of Dads admit that having children negatively impacted their mental health, citing the top 5 contributing factors as:
• Lack of time
• Change in the relationship dynamic with their partner
• Additional responsibility
• Financial issues
• Lack of sleep

With such seismic shifts in routine, these changes can wear away at parents’ wellbeing. Additionally, 1 in 4 dads admitted they would not seek professional help if they were experiencing issues with their mental health. That's a quarter of all dads not getting the support they need as they adjust and settle into parenthood. Let that sink in.
Providing Support
When it comes to discussing things with their nearest and dearest, over half of dads surveyed revealed they feel apprehensive discussing mental health issues with their partner if it relates to their child. Unfortunately, feelings of isolation can be common throughout parenthood, manifesting in the form of parenting guilt and withdrawal.
It's also worth noting that this shift in relationship dynamic with partners doesn't necessarily only start once baby is born, but can manifest during pregnancy. Nearly half of dads admitted they found it difficult to support their partner during the pregnancy period.

Making Time For Dads
To initiate communication around the issues exposed, our partnership with Dadsnet aims to tackle the conversations dads are struggling to have. From 14th-20th June, we’ll be offering daily content centered around men’s mental health to start the conversation and show our support by making time for dads.
As part of the campaign, we’ve invited a number of experts to join the discussion across our busy Instagram feed, including The Daddy Sleep Consultant, The Honest Midwife, and Mark Williams, founder of International Fathers Mental Health Day and the #HowAreYouDad campaign, as well as chatting to campaign partner Al from Dadsnet, and Tom Cox, the owner behind UnlikelyDad on Instagram.
The statistics speak for themselves, and tell us loud and clear that the wellbeing of dads and partners everywhere needs to be put on the agenda. Men's Mental Health week is just the start of us opening up the conversation for dads, and our hope is that the content we offer across the week will help shine a light on the experiences dads are having, and help more dads realise they aren’t alone in this journey.
Our ambition is that raising these issues as part of Men’s Mental Health Week will be the first of many steps towards inclusivity, and improving the way we communicate with parents.