When Should I Stop Sleeping My Stomach During Pregnancy (& Why)?

While you may find sleeping on your front to be comfortable, there is a time when you should stop sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy.

Pregnancy brings about many changes to your body, including changes in your sleeping habits. As your baby grows inside you, it becomes increasingly important to sleep in a position that is both comfortable for you and safe for your growing baby.

Not only is this important from a comfort perspective but also for the health and well-being of you both.

Is it Okay to Sleep on Your Stomach While Pregnant?

Sleeping on your stomach is considered to be safe in early pregnancy, or in the first trimester.

In the early stages of your pregnancy journey, your baby is protected by the pelvic bones and cushioned by the amniotic fluid inside your uterus.

However, as your pregnancy progresses and your belly grows, it can become uncomfortable or – virtually – impossible to sleep on your stomach.

Usually 12 to 14 weeks into pregnancy, mums-to-be should stop sleeping on their fronts and instead sleep on their side, which you'll do until the end of your pregnancy.


Why Should You Avoid Sleeping on Your Stomach When Pregnant?

Other than just being plain uncomfortable, sleeping on your stomach once you are in the second trimester can put added pressure on your growing uterus and baby.

It's important that you allow your baby enough space to grow and develop without any restrictions or pressure, which means avoiding sleeping on your stomach if you can help it.

Some of the risks associated with sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy include...

Uterine Pressure

As your baby grows and develops, your uterus also expands to account for the additional weight and size of your little one. With your baby growing in your belly, sleeping on your stomach can put unnecessary pressure on your uterus, which can lead to discomfort or even pain.

You need to allow your uterus to have enough space to expand comfortably without any added pressure from sleeping on your stomach; otherwise, you increase the risk of discomfort or potential complications.

Restricted Blood Flow

Putting pressure on your stomach can also affect the blood flow to your baby, which is crucial for their growth and development.

When you sleep on your stomach, you compress the way in which blood travels through your uterus. This can lead to a reduced flow of oxygen and nutrients, which are very important for your little one's health.

Important nutrients needed during pregnancy include:


Breathing Difficulties

Shortness of breath becomes more prominent in the second trimester, but it can also be exacerbated by sleeping on your stomach.

Laying on your front can put added strain on your lungs, making it harder to breathe and potentially leading to dizziness or lightheadedness. You’re essentially making it more difficult for oxygen to reach your lungs and, in turn, your baby.

Digestive Discomfort

Sleeping on your stomach can also cause digestive issues, such as heartburn or acid reflux. This is because when you lay on your front, the position of your stomach and intestines can cause acid to flow back up into your oesophagus, leading to discomfort and potential damage.

Not only is this uncomfortable for you, but it can also affect your baby's development by limiting the nutrients they receive from you.


How Should You Sleep When Pregnant?

The best sleeping position during pregnancy is on your side, specifically the left side. Unlike sleeping on your belly, this position allows for proper blood flow to both you and your baby.

It also reduces the pressure on your uterus and organs, allowing for better digestion and improved comfort.

If you’re not used to sleeping on your side, a pregnancy support pillowlike the SnüzCurve – can help provide extra comfort and support for your growing belly.

We’ve carefully and cleverly designed this pillow with health professionals, ensuring it provides support in all the right places. It also helps with correct spine alignment, preventing back pain and other discomforts.

We have an entire article recommending the best sleeping positions for each trimester of your pregnancy, so we suggest checking that out for more helpful advice.

Sleeping Safely & Comfortably with Your Bump: Trimester by Trimester


Summary: Sleep Safely & Soundly With Snüz

Sleeping on your stomach in your first trimester is, by all means, safe and comfortable. However, as your pregnancy progresses, it's important to listen to your body and make the necessary adjustments in order to ensure the health and safety of you and your baby.

By around 12 weeks, you should start to transition to sleeping on your side, preferably the left side, to avoid any potential complications and ensure a comfortable sleep.

It may take some getting used to, but it's worth it for the well-being of you and your baby.

You can read more pregnancy sleep advice and tips over on our Sleep Talk blog.


You can sleep on your stomach during the first trimester of pregnancy, but it's recommended to transition to sleeping on your side by around 12 weeks.

By this time, your baby is growing and the risk of discomfort or complications increases, so it's key to make the switch for your well-being and that of your baby.

Laying on your stomach for too long can put added pressure on your uterus, restrict blood flow to your baby, cause breathing difficulties, and increase the risk of misalignment or digestive issues.

It's important to avoid sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy to ensure the health and safety of you and your baby.

If you sleep on your belly for too long during your pregnancy, it can restrict the necessary space for your baby to grow and potentially decrease blood flow to your little one.

This can lead to issues such as low birth weight or even preterm labour, making it important to avoid sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy.

It is safer and more comfortable to sleep on your side during pregnancy. This position allows for optimal blood flow to the baby and also takes the pressure off your back and other internal organs.

Additionally, sleeping on your side can help prevent issues such as heartburn or acid reflux, which are common during pregnancy due to the growing uterus putting pressure on your digestive system.

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