The Baby Sleeping Bag Parents Love

The SnuzPouch, sleeping bag is a range we’re really proud of here at Snuz and with a rating of 4.9 out of 5 from parents, you don’t just need to take our word for it, it’s loved by so many, so we thought, why not share why!

Before we get into why parents love our SnuzPouch so much, we thought it would be helpful to give you a bit of a sleeping bags 101 for all of those new parents out there.


What are Baby Sleeping Bags and Are They Better than Blankets?

Before becoming a parent, you may not have been introduced to the wonderful world of baby sleeping bags. A relatively new concept for most parents, but one that should definitely be on your ‘baby must-haves’ list.

Studies have shown that these all-in-one sleep covers are a safer and more comfortable choice for your baby when compared to blankets and duvets. Designed like traditional sleeping bags you will have more commonly seen on a campsite, the baby versions should include added straps to go over your baby’s shoulders, these cute and comfortable additions make parenting life easier as well as safer.

Sleeping bags come in a variety of tog ratings and sizes so it’s essential to not just get the right fit for your baby, but also the right tog to make sure your baby’s temperature is carefully considered. Don’t worry, we go into more detail below.

Why Sleeping Bags are a Safer Option

There’s no better feeling than knowing you’ve done everything you can to keep your baby safe while they sleep. You’re probably already low on the sleep counter if you’re a new parent, so having one less thing to stay awake worrying about is what we’re here for. With traditional blankets, there is a risk of covering your baby’s face, leading to breathing issues as well as a risk of overheating. With the SnuzPouch, the sleeping bag evenly covers your baby’s body no matter how much they may move around in the night.


The Genius Feature That Parents Adore

When designing the SnuzPouch, we thought about how we could create a sleeping bag that made parenting life that little bit easier. One thing that sprung to mind was night-time nappy changes, the essential but disruptive task that often messes up a sweet slumber.

Let us introduce you to the nappy change zip! This additional curved zip across the front of our super soft sleeping bag makes those middle of the night changes a breeze. You can keep your baby all snuggled up, while you have quick and easy access to make ninja-nappy changes a thing in your household.

Not only this, but parents have also told us how much they love the fact that the shoulder straps have handy poppers, so that you don’t have to awkwardly try to get your sleepy baby’s arms through the arm holes.

Getting the Tog Rating Right for Your Baby

Have you ever looked at recommended tog ratings and sleepwear for your baby and thought that you’ve had easier GCSE maths equations to solve? Well, we’re here to help take some of the pressure out of parenting with our expertly designed sleeping bag, the SnuzPouch.

Available in two tog ratings, our sleeping bags in 1.0 tog for the summer and 2.5 tog for the winter, can make sure your baby has the right coverage throughout the year. For peace of mind, we have also included a quick handy guide on the packaging of the SnuzPouch along with this helpful article on our Sleep Centre blog, so you won’t be needing to do any equations any time soon.

Tested to the highest safety standards, new parents love being able to have the peace of mind of knowing their baby won’t overheat. Just having one covering to think about really makes life so much easier for you and your baby.


The Sleeping Bag that Grows with your Baby

Making sure you get the most out of your Snuz products is so important to us, which is why we’ve included adjustable poppers on the shoulders of our SnuzPouch. As your baby grows, their sleeping bag can too, ensuring the safest and most comfortable fit possible.

With two sizing options, your newborn can experience the comfort of this super soft and cosy sleeping environment from birth all the way up to 18 months old. The roomy lower sections allow for freedom for even the wriggliest of sleepers while the top section offers the closeness, they need to feel secure as well as safe.

The familiarity of our SnuzPouch throughout the early stages of your baby’s development helps to build a strong sleep routine that can stay consistent all the way through to toddler stage.

Designs that fit perfectly with any sleep space

Our design team have come up with a range of patterns we think would look great in any home. From bright rainbows to muted clouds, you’re bound to find a SnuzPouch you’ll fall in love with. Our super soft fabrics for this range of cosy sleeping bags are also a firm favourite with our parents because as always, quality and comfort are at our core. If only we could make them for adults too!

If you love our SnuzPouch or any of our other product ranges, don’t forget to snap and share. It makes our day when we hear how much our products have made parenting life just that little bit easier. Follow and tag us on socials and as always, if you have any questions for our team, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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SnuzPouch Sleeping Bag - Cloud Nine

PRICE - £29.95

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SnuzPouch Sleeping Bag - Colour Twin pack

PRICE -  £39.95

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